BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping institutions, corporations or individual investors manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle in 35 countries and more than 100 markets. As of September 30, 2015, BNY Mellon had $28.5 trillion in assets under custody and/ or administration, and $1.6 trillion in assets under management. In China, BNY Mellon is an investments company with a full suite of sophisticated services that help Chinese investors to move, manage and secure assets in capital markets around the world.

BNY Mellon is the leading depositary bank with a global market share of 58%. BNY Mellon actively supports the needs of all key three participants essential to the success of any DR program: the issuer, the investor and the broker. We provide value-added services to DR programs. Before and after the launch of the DR program, we expertly guide issuer clients through the steps of the process and provide day-to-day administration services.  We also keep our DR issuer clients informed of legal, corporate governance and other market developments that could affect their programs and advocate for beneficial changes on their behalf.



作为存托银行翘楚,纽约梅隆占全球市场份额58%, 引领行业发展。为保证存托凭证项目的成功施行,纽约梅隆主动为存托凭证业务的关键参与者们提供多重支持,包括发行企业、票经纪人,以及投资者。我们提供独家的附加价值服务体系。 从项目建立到执行,我们不仅为客户全程提供专业指导咨询,更会在日常紧密跟进项目执行。另外,我们会提供咨询服务,及时告知客户在法务、公司治理和其他市场情况的变化,以企业为出发点思考,为客户提供最优解决方案。